AlloMend Ultra-Thick is a flexible and reliable graft for demanding soft tissue applications such as superior capsule reconstruction.1 It features high ultimate tensile strength, exceeding that of other leading ADMs, as well as high suture retention strength for more confidence in surgical repair of soft tissue.2,3

Strong High tensile strength/suture pull-out values
Thick Consistent thickness throughout the graft
Flexible Enables precision placement
Acellular Decellularized to minimize immune response
Safe Terminally sterilized to a SAL* of 10-6; minimizing infection risk
Pre-Hydrated Ready-to-use out of the package
Stored at Ambient Temperature Off-the-shelf convenience, with no special storage requirements

DermaTrue™ Decellularization Process
AlloMend is processed with AlloSource’s proprietary DermaTrue Decellularization Process to remove cellular debris (including DNA, RNA, proteins and antigens) rendering the tissue acellular, thus contributing to a low immunologic response3, while retaining growth factors and collagen structure.4

*SAL- Sterility Assurance Level 

  1. Frank RM, et al. Superior capsular reconstruction: Indications, techniques, and clinical outcomes. JBJS Rev. 2018;6:e10
  2. Stevens P, Stilwell R, Castillo L. The biomechanics of AlloMend acellular dermal matrix: Ultimate tensile strength. AlloSource White Paper.2020;00048-LIT [002].
  3. Stilwell R, Delaney R. The biomechanics of AlloMend acellular dermal matrix: Biocompatibility study. AlloSource White Paper. 2016;00088-LIT[001].
  4. Delaney R, Stilwell R. The biologic properties of AlloMend acellular dermal matrix: Growth factor study. AlloSource White Paper.2016; 001.