ProChondrix CR: Viable, hyaline cartilage allograft for the repair and replacement of articular cartilage

ProChondrix CR is an off-the-shelf, cryopreserved osteochondral allograft used to treat surface cartilage lesions.

  • 94.97% chondrocyte viability after two years of storage at -80C1
  • Cost effective, single stage cartilage allograft
  • Trimmable and flexible graft that allows for easy allograft manipulation during implantation
  • Range of sizes for cartilage defects throughout the body
  • Ergonomically designed disposable instruments created specifically for ProChondrix CR

ViaTrue™ Cryopreservation Process
ProChondrix CR is created using AlloSource’s innovative, proprietary cartilage cryopreservation technology, ViaTrue. The unique process includes a controlled rate freezing of fresh cartilage within 72 hours of donor death, when the chondrocytes are still highly viable. ViaTrue processed cartilage products are then preserved for up to two years maintaining high chondrocyte viability.

  1. Rorick et al. Cryopreserved, Thin, Laser-Etched Osteochondral Allograft maintains the functional components of articular cartilage after 2 years of storage. J Orthop Surg and Res 2020; 15:521.


800. 557. 3587


11 mm 1.0 mm 735471110
13 mm 1.0 mm 735471310
15 mm 1.0 mm 735471510
17 mm 1.0 mm 735471710
20 mm 1.0 mm 735472010

Shelf Life 
2 years

Storage Information
Store at or below -40°C

Dedicated disposable instrumentation and sizers available
Custom disposable instruments and sizers designed to aide in the preparation of the implant site. The patented coring tube technology provides a precise cut and creates uniform vertical walls.